AngularJS filters unique attribute value and get filtered counter

I have the following array:

items: [
    id: "0",
    name: "כיבוי אורות",
    icon: "rooms_salon.svg",
    type: "scenario",
    status: 1
    id: "1",
    name: "הדלקת אורות",
    icon: "rooms_salon.svg",
    type: "scenario",
    status: 1
    id: "0",
    name: "תנור מטבח",
    icon: "rooms_salon.svg",
    type: "heater",
    status: 0
    id: "1",
    name: "מזגן מטבח",
    icon: "rooms_salon.svg",
    type: "ac",
    status: 0


I need to filter it to get only the unique item.type and the original item count for each type.

It takes a strong:

items: [
        type: "scenario",
        amount: 2
        type: "heater",
        amount: 1
        type: "ac",
        amount: 1


What would be the best way to do this?

PO: I need to filter it in the controller, not the ng-repeat.

Thank you, highlight



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2 answers

You are not filtering, you need to create a new array with the values ​​you want.


created a computed filter value like this

function Ctrl($scope){
    $scope.items = [
            id: "0",
            name: "כיבוי אורות",
            icon: "rooms_salon.svg",
            type: "scenario",
            status: 1
            id: "1",
            name: "הדלקת אורות",
            icon: "rooms_salon.svg",
            type: "scenario",
            status: 1
            id: "0",
            name: "תנור מטבח",
            icon: "rooms_salon.svg",
            type: "heater",
            status: 0
            id: "1",
            name: "מזגן מטבח",
            icon: "rooms_salon.svg",
            type: "ac",
            status: 0

    Object.defineProperty($scope, 'filtered', {
        get: function(){
            var list = {};
            $scope.items.forEach(function (item) {
                if (list[item.type] === undefined) {
                     list[item.type] = 1;
                } else {
                   list[item.type] += 1;
            var newItems = [];    
                 type :key,
                 amount: list[key]
            return newItems;





You can use a module angular-filter

to group your items:

$scope.items = [
    id: "0",
    name: "כיבוי אורות",
    icon: "rooms_salon.svg",
    type: "scenario",
    status: 1
    id: "1",
    name: "הדלקת אורות",
    icon: "rooms_salon.svg",
    type: "scenario",
    status: 1
    id: "0",
    name: "תנור מטבח",
    icon: "rooms_salon.svg",
    type: "heater",
    status: 0
    id: "1",
    name: "מזגן מטבח",
    icon: "rooms_salon.svg",
    type: "ac",
    status: 0

$scope.content = $filter('countBy')($scope.items,'type');


Here you have a working plunker



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