How to grab milliseconds in grails domain

I have a grails domain that stores data in MySQL.

In it I have a property Date

that creates a field DateTime

in the DB. However, I would also like to record the milliseconds in addition to the date.

Is there a way to capture milliseconds?


Class MyClass {

  Date dateCreated



stores data in MySQL like 2014-10-06 16:21:57

, but I would also like to record milliseconds.


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2 answers

MySQL 5.6.4 and up can store milliseconds in the database for datetime objects by specifying the number of decimal points for the object. (Read more here: MySQL Reference Manual ). By default, Grails / Gorm does not. Fortunately, this can be easily solved by defining the sqlType on the domain like this:

class ExampleDomain {
    Date date

    static mapping = {
        date sqlType: 'datetime(3)'




You can use bigint (20). Your groovy / grails domain might look like this if you want to save nanoseconds since unix automatically when the instance is saved:

class myClass {

  Integer id
  Long timestamp = System.nanoTime()

  static mapping = {
    timestamp sqlType: "bigint"




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