Qt QMediaPlayer cannot play mp3

I am using Qt 5.3.2 QMediaPlayer to play MP3 file under OSX 10.10, until now I could not play anything.

The code I use is something like this:

player = new QMediaPlayer;


When using this function, I get this error in the Application Exit panel:

[19:32:52.144] FigByteFlumeCustomURLOpen signalled err=-12936 (kFigByteFlumeError_BadState) (no provider) at /SourceCache/CoreMedia/CoreMedia-1562.19/Prototypes/FigHTTP/FigByteFlumeCustomURL.c line 1486


The same code works great on Windows 8.

Can anyone please help?


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1 answer

Found the answer a while ago, posting it right here for future reference.

The idea is that Qt cannot play mp3 file from resources. The files must first be copied to a temporary folder. Here's a way to load files from an "mp3" file into a temporary file:

bool Dialog::loadFiles() {
    bool success = true;

    //through mp3 folder of resources
    QDir rsc(":/mp3");
    QStringList files = rsc.entryList(QStringList()<<"*.mp3", QDir::Files);

    tmpPath = QDir::toNativeSeparators(QDir::tempPath());

    foreach(QString s, files) {
        QString srcPath = QString(":/mp3/%1").arg(s);
        QString destPath = QString("%1\\%2").arg(tmpPath).arg(s);
        mp3Files.insert(s, destPath);
        if (!QFile::exists(destPath))
            success &= QFile::copy(srcPath, destPath);

    return success;




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