Why doesn't Perl see a file that exists on Windows?

On one of my coleagues machines, if you are just looking for java, you can find it:

c:\>where java 


However, if I do this test in perl:

c:\>perl -e "print (-e 'c:\\windows\\system32\\java.exe' ? 'found' : 'not found')"
not found


(this works great on my machine). I've heard of some weird cache where files get fake so they get sorted, but I have no idea what this could be causing and nothing I was looking for helps.


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1 answer

As mentioned in the comment to Andrew Medico's question, the issue was a confusion caused by running 32bit perl.

This system had "c: \ windows \ system32 \ java.exe" but did not have "c: \ windows \ syswow64 \ java.exe". I was able to solve my problem by looking at "c: \ windows \ sysnative \ java.exe" if "c: \ windows \ system32 \ java.exe" doesn't seem to exist.

I found this description very helpful:




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