A guarantee of a negative result when offsetting a left negative number by two's complement?

Assuming that a negative binary number represented in two additions , we can guarantee the preservation of the sign?

Let's say we represent a decimal number -5

in four bits: 1011

and we want to left shift one place to multiply by 2:

1011 << 1


This operation returns 0110, which is 6, not -10 as we hoped .

(I assume this only applies to negative numbers whose second bit is 0, i.e. negative numbers close to the smallest representable negative number of some range)


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1 answer

OP is here. I found the answer to my question.

Left shift can cause arithmetic overflow .

The range of two's complement numbers is from -(2^(n-1))

to 2^(n-1)-1

, where n

is the number of bits , including the sign bit (MSB). So, in the example above, where each number uses 4 bits, the range of possible values ​​is from -8

to, 7


Shifting left by a bit m

will multiply the number by 2^m

. So the example above -5 << 1

gives -10

, which is out of the range of possible numbers in a 4-bit signed representation, is an overflow.

1111 << 1 == 1110 // -1 * 2 is -2
1110 << 1 == 1100 // -2 * 2 is -4
1101 << 1 == 1010 // -3 * 2 is -6
1100 << 1 == 1000 // -4 * 2 is -8
1011 << 1 == 0110 // overflow
1010 << 1 == 0100 // overflow
1001 << 1 == 0010 // overflow
1000 << 1 == 0000 // overflow


In conclusion, when using ASL to multiply by powers of two, it is important to ensure that the product is within the range of possible values.



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