How to make emacs open all buffers in one window (debian / linux / gnome)

In osx, I make all new emacs buffers open in the same window / frame by putting them in .emacs.

(setq ns-pop-up-frames nil)

An alias for emacs to open the file in a new buffer (NOT-frame) and be activated / brought to the fore?

I want to be able to do the same in debian (gnome). Is it possible? A solution that will also work for xmonad (and similar wms) would be much appreciated.


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1 answer


is the standard emacs variable:

pop-up-frames is a variable defined in `window.el'.
Its value is nil

Whether `display-buffer' should make a separate frame.
If nil, never make a separate frame.
If the value is `graphic-only', make a separate frame
on graphic displays only.
Any other non-nil value means always make a separate frame.

You can customize this variable.


Use customize

or put this

(custom-set-variables '(pop-up-frames nil))


in .emacs


This, of course, only affects Emacs displaying buffers. If you start a new Emacs, the new process will create a new window. To achieve what you seem to want, you need to start Emacs as a daemon and open the files with emacsclient




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