How do I access Waterline models from grunt tasks?

TL; DR - How to use Waterline models as part of a grunt task in a sail design?

I am trying to create some grunt tasks in a Sails project to process a CSV file and insert data into a Postgres database. I was hoping to use Waterline for this, although it failed to connect to the database.

I was wondering how would I be able to use my Waterline models from a nagging task?

I'm not too sure what Sails is doing behind the scenes to make my models available, although I would be very interested to understand.

I'll clarify in the morning with a sample code of what I've tried.


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2 answers

I imported things wrong. The following works correctly:

var CWD = process.cwd();
var path = require('path');

var Waterline = require('waterline');
var User = Waterline.Collection.extend(require(path.join(CWD, 'api/models/User')));

module.exports = function (grunt) {
    grunt.registerTask('seedDb', 'Given a list of addresses, assign long and lat.', function (clinicCsv, outputCsv) {
        // tell grunt this task is async
        var done = this.async();

        // create ORM
        var orm = new Waterline();

        // initialize ORM
            adapters: {
                'sails-postgresql': require('sails-postgresql')
            connections: require(path.join(CWD, 'config/connections')).connections,
            defaults: require(path.join(CWD, 'config/models')).models
        }, function (err, ontology) {
            if (err) throw err; 



Where api / models / User:

module.exports = {
  identity: 'User',
  connection: 'localPostgresqlServer',

  attributes: {
    firstName: {
        type: 'string'
    lastName: {
        type: 'sting'
    email: {
        type: 'email'
    password: {
        type: 'string'


Both config / connections and config / models are in standard Sails format. The key indicated the connection in the model.



You can also get away with this like this

grunt.registerTask('seedDb', 'Given a list of addresses, assign long and lat.', function (clinicCsv, outputCsv) {
    // tell grunt this task is async
    var done = this.async();

        hooks: {
            blueprints: false,
            controllers: false,
            cors: false,
            csrf: false,
            grunt: false,
            i18n: false,
            logger: false,
            policies: false,
            pubsub: false,
            request: false,
            responses: false,
            session: false,
            socket: false,
            views: false
    }, function(err, app){
        // access to models, do your magic here





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