List of all Visual Studio compiler errors and warnings with their numbers

I want to disable a certain kind of warning, but I am having trouble finding its warning number so that I can blacklist it in the project settings. This particular warning doesn't appear on any console output (only in the error list UI), so it doesn't show its number.

Does anyone have a list of all compiler errors and warnings along with their numbers?

No matter how good I look for a certain warning number or list, my faith in humanity has suffered some damage when I could not find such a list on the Internet. Therefore, I think an exhaustive list will be helpful.


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3 answers

If you want to generate one table of all C # error codes and their corresponding message (for reference purposes, for example), you can use this helpful script that parses the MSDN list and compiles the HTML table (might use some style).



You will find a list of error codes for VS 2013 under MSDN .

If you need a list for a different version of Visual Studio, there is a "Other Versions" link at the top of the page.

Note that they are organized by number, so you will still have to search for them to find the specific error you are looking for.



The list on MSDN is incomplete. I made a small program to generate a complete list from Roslyn source code.



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