What is the difference between element and sequence for minoccurs and maxoccurs in xsd

I am new to XSD, can you please help me with the following question:

What is the difference between item and sequence for minoccurs and maxoccurs in xsd.


Prasad J


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  • maxOccurs Optional. Specifies the maximum number of times that a sequence element can appear in a parent element. The value can be any number> = 0, or if you do not want to limit the maximum number, use the value "unlimited". Default value: 1
  • minOccurs Optional. Specifies the minimum number of times a sequence element can appear in a parent element. The value can be any number> = 0. The default is 1


  • maxOccurs Optional. Indicates the maximum number of times this element can occur in the parent element. The value can be any number> = 0, or if you do not want to limit the maximum number, use the value "unlimited". The default is 1. This attribute cannot be used if the parent element is a schema element
  • minOccurs Optional. Indicates the minimum number of times this element can occur in the parent element. The value can be any number> = 0. The default is 1. This attribute cannot be used if the parent element is a schema element


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