TFS2013 - defining cloning build for team project using git

We want to clone the build definition for a TFS team project that uses git as its source code repository.

Our goal is to duplicate the existing build definition for the new branch.

When an assembly definition is cloned through the command line (Team Foundation Power Tools) this way

tfpt builddefinition /clone Team\Project_Nightly /collection:http://tfs01:8080/tfs/MyCollection


the final build definition looks fine, but editing the original settings shows a completely different view with only working folders and no branch selection option.

The launch tfpt builddefinition /diff

contains no differences other than the name.

How can we clone the build definition for the TFS git repository?


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1 answer

This is a known issue with TFS Power Tools. Currently only assemblies using TFVC are supported.

This was reported on Feb 15 (see the Q&A tab on the Power Tools gallery page) and I know the team knows from this. I don't know when it is planned to fix it.

Update: I forgot. There's another extension you can use to create clones. TFS Build Manager extension . It will handle git builds correctly for you.



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