Installing Grunt on mac os

I want to create angular js app using bootstrap, for this I have installed node.js pkg file in my mac. Afterwards I installed yoman ( $sudo npm install --global yo

). The documentation says that if we install yo then we get grunt and bower automatically. In my case grunt and bower are not installed.

So I decided to install it externally. I used the following commands:

$sudo npm install -g bower

=> it works great and gives me all files and packages.

$ sudo npm install -g grunt

=> it works fine but doesn't give me all files and packages

grunt are installed in the path usr/local/lib/node_modules/grunt

grunt folder contains files


What files am I missing?

If I run the command $ grunt --version

then I got the following error

-bash: /grunt: No such file or directory


How do I resolve this?


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1 answer

You need to run:

$ npm install -g grunt-cli


Global binary command line tool grunt-cli

, not grunt

. This is a little confusing at the beginning as it grunt-cli

provides a global binary that can be called grunt


So at the end:

  • Install grunt

    locally in your application.
  • Install grunt-cli


Then you can run grunt

from anywhere :-)



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