Groovy DSL: how can I overload any () in Groovy when I create an internal DSL

I am creating an Internal DSL and I would overload any () method from DefaultGroovyMethods.

class RulesProcessor {


Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies


The last line is my DSL. I tried propertyMissing, methodMissing, create my Any class, RulesProcessor.metaClass.any, DefaultGroovyMethods.metaClass.any but they don't work.

How can I write code to accept my DSL? Only the first step with the "Any" word gets complicated for me.


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1 answer

If you can put it in a closure, just delegate it to the object that responds to the method, any

or as in my example invokeMethod


class Dsl {
  def params = []
  def invokeMethod(String method, args) {
    params << [method, args]

  def propertyMissing(String prop) { prop }

a = {
  any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies

dsl = new Dsl()
a.delegate = dsl

assert dsl.params == [
  ['any',   ['live']],
  ['cell',  ['with']],
  ['fewer', ['than']],
  ['two',   ['live']],
  ['neighbours', ['dies']],


If you are reading a script from a file, you need a method explicitly called any


import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilerConfiguration

class Dsl {
  def params = []
  def invokeMethod(String method, args) {
    params << [method, args]

  def any(param) { invokeMethod('any', [param]) }

  def propertyMissing(String prop) { prop }

code = 'any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies'

parsed = new GroovyShell(
    new Binding(), 
    new CompilerConfiguration(scriptBaseClass :
).parse( code )

dsl = new Dsl()

parsed.setDelegate( dsl )

assert dsl.params == [
  ['any',   ['live']],
  ['cell',  ['with']],
  ['fewer', ['than']],
  ['two',   ['live']],
  ['neighbours', ['dies']],


Kudos to mrhaki at CompilerConfiguration.



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