Collection.Searching doesn't add search () to views, etc.

I have several problems with collection.Searching. It doesn't seem to work on views and ranges. Is not it?

The last two lines from the console below show what I thought would work in Scala 2.11.2

> import collection.Searching._

> Seq( 1, 3 ) search 2
res0: collection.Searching.SearchResult = InsertionPoint(1)

> Seq( 1, 3 ).view search 2
error: value search is not a member of scala.collection.SeqView[Int,Seq[Int]]

> 0 to 10 search 5
error: value search is not a member of scala.collection.immutable.Range.Inclusive


Presumably, this does not mean that IsSeqLike is not implied for these types. Is there a reason why there is no one else or am I doing something wrong?


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