Unable to get statistics using Google Analytics v4 on Android

I am trying to use analytics in my application, I am still in a state of development, so the application has not been published yet, but as far as I know, I should see the statistics anyway. I used the following tutorial: http://java.dzone.com/articles/working-google-analytics-api And everything works fine until I get this message in the LogCat:

10-07 17:13:08.700: V/GAV4(21437): Thread[main,5,main]: Connected to service
10-07 17:13:08.705: V/GAV4(21437): Thread[GAThread,5,main]: Initialized GA Thread
10-07 17:13:08.730: V/GAV4(21437): Thread[GAThread,5,main]: Loaded clientId
10-07 17:13:08.735: V/GAV4(21437): Thread[GAThread,5,main]: Storing hashed adid.
10-07 17:13:08.735: V/GAV4(21437): Thread[GAThread,5,main]: Loaded clientId
10-07 17:13:08.735: V/GAV4(21437): Thread[GAThread,5,main]: putHit called
10-07 17:13:08.735: V/GAV4(21437): Thread[GAThread,5,main]: Sending hit to service   PATH: https:  PARAMS: ul=it-it,  ht=1412694783750,  sr=480x800,  a=289400925,  sc=start,  sf=100.0,  aid=*,  cid=*,  av=1.3,  v=1,  t=screenview,  an=*,  tid=*,  _u=.2nKK8,  cd=com.*.*.MainActivity,  


The app doesn't send Hit to the service. Can anyone please explain how to fix this? (I looked at my app info with * but they are correct).


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