Struggle for working conditions in nurseries

I was doing Baa Baa Black Sheep in VB and got stuck in the final part of my program. I'm trying to get the program to indicate if the user is entering the correct information for the people who own the bags, but it doesn't seem to register the final part. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Module Module1

    Sub Main()
        Dim WoolAnswer As String = ""
        Dim BagNumber As Integer = 0
        Dim FirstBag As String = ""
        Dim SecondBag As String = ""
        Dim ThirdBag As String = ""

        Console.WriteLine("Do you have any wool?")
        WoolAnswer = Console.ReadLine

        If WoolAnswer = "yes" Then
            Console.WriteLine("How many bags do you have?")
            BagNumber = Console.ReadLine

            If BagNumber = 3 Then
                Console.WriteLine("Who is the first bag for?")
                FirstBag = Console.ReadLine()

                Console.WriteLine("Who is the second bag for?")
                SecondBag = Console.ReadLine

                Console.WriteLine("Who is the third bag for?")
                ThirdBag = Console.ReadLine
                Console.WriteLine("That is not the correct amount of bags.")
            End If

            Console.WriteLine("You have no wool.")
        End If

        **If (FirstBag = "master" & SecondBag = "dame" & ThirdBag = "little girl") Then
            Console.WriteLine("You really know your nursery rhymes!")
        End If**
        **This is the part that doesn't work**

    End Sub

End Module



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1 answer

You must use operators AndAlso

to compare your values.

If FirstBag = "master" AndAlso SecondBag = "dame" AndAlso ThirdBag = "little girl" Then

You can do this with normal operators And

, but it AndAlso

supports short-circuiting.

Edit: Short-circuiting is a programming construct that allows you to skip evaluating parts of a multi-part conditional expression if the earlier part of the expression makes validating the rest of the statement meaningless.

Example: a == b AndAlso c == d

won't try to evaluate c == d

if a == b




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