Translating C # object chain to F #

Quite a stupid question, but I can't seem to find the correct terminology for it, so all my searches won't work.

I have the following C # method call chain:



How do I write the same thing in F #?

I can do it:

let f0 = Component.For<IMyInterface> () in
let f1 = f0.ImplementedBy<MyClass> () in
let f2 = f1.Named "MyInstance" in
let f3 = f2.LifestyleSingleton () in
ignore (container.Register f3)


But, of course, there must be some other, more convenient way to structure such a call. Not?


Early answers led me to a solution that worked (I removed all mentions ignore

since it doesn't matter and only confused readers):

container.Register (Component.For<IMyInterface>().ImplementedBy<MyClass>().Named("MyInstance").LifestyleSingleton())


However, one answer indicates that this should work:

container.Register <| Component.For<IMyInterface>().ImplementedBy<MyClass>().Named("MyInstance").LifestyleSingleton()


but this is not the case. The last part, the expression after <|

, generates a type error

This expression was expected to be of type unit, but here it is of type ComponentRegistration <IMyInterface>.


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1 answer

You can do almost the same thing in F #:

container.Register <|
        .Named("My Instance")


Here with added sugar ( <|

). You can put the calls on a single line or as I did (I prefer this since it mirrors the F # pipeline perfectly). Keep in mind that arguments must be enclosed in parentheses and no spaces between the function name and parens (pretty much "C # style").



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