Minimizing gaps around graphs when using tikzDevice in R

I am using tikzDevice

in R to write code tikz

for placing graphs in LaTeX documents. I found that there is a gap around the plots i.e. The margin is usually excessive.

Below is a minimal example of exporting an R chart as tikz code:

x <- seq(30, 70)
probs <- dbinom(x, size=100, prob=0.5)
tikz('binomial.tex', standAlone = T, width=3, height=2.5)
barplot(names.arg=x, probs, cex.names=0.6, cex.axis=0.6)


Running pdflatex binomial.tex

it gives a small pdf file, where, as you can see, there are a lot of spaces in the margins. Ideally, I would like there to be no spaces at all under the x-axis point labels, or to the left of the y-axis point labels, etc.

By the way, when pasting into a LaTeX document, I will always use standAlone=F

in the command tikz

above and then use \input{binomial}

in the document. There is no difference in space, which is easy to check with \framebox{\input{binomial}}

. It also par(xaxs='i')

doesn't matter.

Does anyone still know where I can remove all the spaces from the fields of these parcels?


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2 answers

Add this before barplot


op <- par(mar = rep(1, 4))


Where 1

is the margin. It is counted from the axes, so it 0

will split ticks. Try a few that 1.8

works for me for you.



Try op <- par(cex=0.5)

before barplot

but after the command tikz

. You can also resize the title, axis annotation and axis labels by adding cex.main=

..., cex.axis=

... or cex.lab=

..., respectively. These numbers are multiplied by cex




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