EF: many to many cascades

I have two objects that must have many different relationships. I am providing test data.

public class A
    public int AId {get;set;}
    public virtual ICollection<B> Bs {get;set;}

public class B
    public int BId {get;set;}
    public virtual ICollection<A> As {get;set;}

public class AMap : EntityTypeConfiguration<A>
    public AMap()
        HasMany(e => e.Bs)
            .WithMany(e => e.As)                
            .Map(x =>



In this configuration, I need to install cascading delete. For example, when I delete any row in table A, I need all related rows in table AandB to be deleted. But I cannot find the syntax for many for many. Help me?


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2 answers

After searching, I found a solution. To remove an object from a many-to-many relationship, you need to load the appropriate navigation property In my case:

var AtoDelete= context.As.Include(a => a.Bs) .First(); //include is mandatory
context.SaveChanges();//deletes will be issued to AandB table also.




As I know there is no way to directly enable cascading deletes in many associations in the fluent API. you must explicitly delete related objects.

var a = context.A.Include(a => a.Bs).First();
foreach(var b in a.Bs)
    context.Entry(b).State = EntityState.Deleted;
context.Entry(a).State = EntityState.Deleted;




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