Creating recursive pattern blocks in Mojolicious
I would like to create a recursive block of templates in Mojolicious to create a complex menu from nested arrays.
Ideally, the array ["a", ["ba", "bb"], "c"]
would result in this nested list:
The following code doesn't work because blocks are anonymous subroutines and cannot use a reference for themselves:
% my $block = begin
% my $menu = shift;
% foreach my $item (@{$menu}){
% if(ref($item) eq 'ARRAY') {
%= $block->($item);
% } else {
<li><%= $item %></li>
% }
% }
% end
%= $block->( ["a", ["ba", "bb"], "c"] )
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To use a variable in an expression, you need to declare that variable before the expression. So this will work:
% my $block; $block = begin
But it will leak memory because $ block is now a circular reference that perl cannot delete when it goes out of scope. Since perl 5.16, you can use the __SUB__ keyword inside the anonymous sub to get a reference to that subroutine. This way it will be as easy as
% use v5.16;
% my $block = begin
% end
And if you want to run your code on perl <5.16 you can use an alternative way to avoid memory leak. Just don't use a closure and instead pass the block reference as an argument
% my $block = begin
% my ($block, $menu) = @_;
%= $block->($block, $item);
% end
%= $block->( $block, ["a", ["ba", "bb"], "c"] )
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