Rails - duplicating part of a form to submit multiple posts
I have a rails shape with many fields. The user wants to be able to duplicate a section of a form containing 6 fields by clicking a button so that 6 fields appear twice on the page, then fill in the fields and submit the form, creating two new records.
= form_for @item, :html => { :class => "form-horizontal" } do |f|
h4 Personal Details
= f.label :contact_name
= f.text_field :contact_name
= f.label :email_address
= f.text_field :email_address
h4 Info
= f.label :location
= f.select :location
= f.label :time
= f.text_field :time
= link_to "Add new Info Section", '#'
link_to adds a new form .duplicate-section
to the form, so I can create additional fields on the page, but I don't know how to submit the form as two separate records.
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To manage this, you can create a model that encapsulates your differents entries:
rails g model item_wrapper
bundle exec rake db:migrate
app / models / item_wrapper.rb
class ItemWrapper < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :items
accepts_nested_attributes_for :items
And follow this railscast to create add and remove information buttons.
finnaly you can customize javascript generated by changing fields to hidden and fill values ββfor your duplicate fields.
- create a wrapper for your elements (which only contains an id)
- create a nested has_many form for your elements inside your wrapper form (with for_fields)
- create add_fields button (cf rails cast)
- then set up js add_fields function to change duplicate content fields
Considering that this is clear enough, I can edit the answer to be clearer on demand.
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