Save model as modified value

This is part of the code I'm currently working with:

<select ng-model="rule.platforms" ng-options="platform for platform in platforms" 
        name="platform" multiple required>
  <option value="">-- platform --</option>


The default behavior for multiple selection in Angular is to bind an array to a model. For example:

rule.platforms = ["twitter", "google"]


However, due to the way this needs to be stored in the database, all values ​​need to be concatenated into one row. Right now, the clearest solution is to parse the value just before saving / updating, but this will add a lot of logic as it will have to go through all the data and check each rule.

What I really would like to do is be able to change the way the model bound value is bound initially, so instead of the above it will save with a value like this:

rule.platforms = "twitter, google"


Is it possible? I've been going through the Angular documentation but haven't come across anything like it. If anyone knows that there is a simple way to achieve this behavior, please let me know!

** EDIT **

To clarify my specific use case, I wanted to include the data structure in question:

$ = 
  project: {
    name: "",
    topics_attributes: [
        name: "",
        feed_size: "",
        topic_sources_attributes: [
            platform: "",
            keywords: "",
            authors: ""
        rules_attributes: [
            name: "",
            platforms: "",
            conditional: "",
            terms: ""


The problem is with rules_attributes.platforms as rules_attributes and all its children are dynamically created. If it was a static model parameter, then Mike's solution would work fine. Unfortunately, the dynamic nature of the model makes it difficult to change as suggested.


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1 answer

As far as I know, the simplest way to achieve this would be to use a temporary variable area to store platforms. Then you can watch the temporary variable to change with $ watch, analyze the value, and update your rules. String value platforms.

Edit: I imagined that you have something similar to this very simplistic approach:

function MyCtrl($scope) {
  $scope.rule = {};
  $scope.rule.platforms = ['google'];
  $scope.tempPlatforms = [];
  $scope.platforms = ['google', 'twitter'];

  for(var i in $scope.rule.platforms) {
    $scope.tempPlatforms[i] = $scope.rule.platforms[i];

  $scope.$watch('tempPlatforms', function(newValue, oldValue) {
    $scope.rule.platforms = newValue.join();


If the available platforms are installed, there should be no problem updating the correct rule. You can put the selection inside a directive and pass the current rule through "=" or "&". depending on your needs. If the platforms available change according to the current rule, it can get a little more difficult, of course ...

EDIT: I'm still not sure if I understood the problem correctly, but I updated my script to dynamically create new rules to demonstrate how I represent your problem:

Essentially, I only created a select directive and added $ scope. $ watch ('rule', ...) to reflect dynamic rule changes.



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