Adding VM / etc / host entries pointing to Vagrant and Puphpet host machine

I know how to use vagrant-hostsupdater to add entries to the host / etc / hosts file that points to the VM, but I'm actually trying to find a dynamic path in the OTHER direction. On my machine, I have MySQL installed with a large db. I don't want to put this in a virtual machine, I need a virtual machine to be able to access it.

I can easily configure it manually. After vagrants, I can ssh into a virtual machine and edit / etc / hosts there and make an entry like hostmachine.local and point to my IP at that time. However, when I go from home to work, my host machine changes, so I need to update this entry constantly.

Is there a way in the .erb file or somehow to get the vagrant to go up to the host machine's IP and make an entry like that in the VM hosts file?


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3 answers

Here's one way to do it. Since it Vagrantfile

is a Ruby script, we can use a bit of logic to find the local hostname and IP address. We then use them in a simple script provisioning that adds them to the guest file /etc/hosts


Example Vargrantfile


# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :

# test setting the host IP address into the guest /etc/hosts

# determine host IP address - may need some other magic here
# (ref:
require 'socket'
def my_first_private_ipv4
  Socket.ip_address_list.detect{|intf| intf.ipv4_private?}
ip = my_first_private_ipv4.ip_address()

# determine host name - may need some other magic here
hostname = `hostname`

script = <<SCRIPT
echo "#{ip} #{hostname}" | tee -a /etc/hosts

Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| = "hashicorp/precise64"
  config.vm.hostname = "iptest"
  config.vm.provision :shell, :inline => script
  config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
  #   vb.gui = true = "iptest"
     vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", "1000"]


Note. The command echo | tee -a

adding to /etc/hosts

will continue adding if you execute multiple times (without destroying the virtual machine). You may need a better solution if you come across this.



Actually I found an easier solution given my situation, running VM on Mac and the fact that my local.db.yml file is not part of the source code. Instead of using the name / IP, I could actually go into Mac OS preferences and find the name of my local network for my computer, i.e. Kris-White-Mac.local

This allows both inside and outside the VM, so by putting this name instead of localhost or it works even when my IP address changes.



Another possible solution is to use the vagrant-hosts plugin . Host IP can be found in the same way as Brian showed in his answer.


# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :

require 'socket'

def my_first_private_ipv4
  Socket.ip_address_list.detect{|intf| intf.ipv4_private?}
host_ip = my_first_private_ipv4.ip_address()

Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
    config.vm.define "web", primary: true do |a| = "ubuntu/trusty64"
        a.vm.hostname = "web.local"

        a.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
          vb.memory = 2048
          vb.cpus = 1

        a.vm.provision :hosts do |provisioner|
            provisioner.add_host host_ip, ['host.machine']


The Provisioner will add a line to the VM file /etc/hosts

, mapping the host's IP address to host.machine

. Running the assistant multiple times will not result in duplicate lines in /etc/hosts




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