How do I add the "previous chapter" and "next chapter" links in the documentation generated by Sphinx?

When I look at the documentation, most of the pages have the previous chapter and next chapter link / button at the bottom, like virtualenv , I can't figure out how to do this for my project documentation using the Sphinx tool . Can anyone tell me how this works or point me to a useful resource (although I've searched many times already)?


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1 answer

The documentation on templates mentions variables next

and prev


The next document is for navigation. This variable is either false or has two attributes link and title. The header contains HTML markup. For example, to create a link to the following page, you can use this piece of code:

{% if next %}
    <a href="{{|e }}">{{ next.title }}</a>
{% endif %}


See more:

You can use them anywhere in your Sphinx template and style with CSS accordingly.

A complete example could be:

<ul class="footer_nav">
    {%- if prev %}
      <li class="prev">
        Previous topic: <a href="{{|e }}">{{ prev.title }}</a>
    {%- endif %}

    {%- if next %}
      <li class="next">
        Next topic: <a href="{{|e }}">{{ next.title }}</a>
    {%- endif %}




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