Datatables HTML encodes

I have used jQuery Datatables in my Laravel web apps. I used packagist chumper/datatable

to handle the Datatables server.

Unfortunately I discovered a major security issue, i.e. XSS (Cross Site Scripting). The server returns JSON data, and the client loads the data into the table without unloading it.

How can I get the Client to escape the data before loading it into the table?


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1 answer


is a callback function to control a table row item after the row is created. We can use this callback function to change the line before the line is inserted into the HTML document.

I used chumper/datatable

to create this function:

$table = Datatable::table()
    ->addColumn('ID', 'Username', 'Name', 'Email', 'Actions')
    ->setOptions(array('aoColumns' => array(array('sType' => 'numeric'), null, null, null, array('bSortable' => false))))
        'function(nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex, iDisplayIndexFull) {
            for (var i = 1; i < 4; i++) jQuery("td:eq(" + i + ")", nRow).text(aData[i]);
return View::make('admin.users.index', compact('table'));


I used fnCreatedRow

to change the content of each element td

so that the elements td

display the data as text (HTML encoded).



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