Maven on Windows 7 without admin rights - mvn.bat does not trust downloading from internet

I work as a software engineer for a company that cannot give me local admin rights on my Windows 7 workstation. To avoid the monthly plus SLA and the hassle of training a technician, how to install the software I need to do my job I find myself creative by installing tools in my local user directory and custom environment variables where needed, but I am currently facing an issue where Maven cannot download NEVER from ANY repository.

From the command line I just do:

mvn -U clean

On the first line, I see it hanging here:


Build failed with connection timed out.

I can copy this URL into my browser window and load the POM file with little effort. If I had to guess what the problem is:

  • It is that I am a limited user who downloaded the Zip file from the internet and copied its contents to my users directory. By default, UAC will browse these folders from a low trust internet source and will not allow the Low trust mvn.bat command file to connect to and load from an HTTP source.

  • Corporate antivirus is blocking network access to this batch file.

I'm not sure how to handle any of these situations. Is there a way to tweak or modify Maven around this limitation, or will I have to sit and wait for over a month with nothing to do until the tech support guy can install maven for me?

EDIT: I didn't think I needed to point this out, but please only provide an answer that won't fire or harass me. Hacking the OS is not an acceptable solution.


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