Zencoder api works locally but not Live

I am using Zencoder API to convert video. I created two different API keys for my local and live server.

When I test the video conversion from my local video, its send request to Zencoder works fine. But, when the same process I do with my live server then it doesn't send any request to Zencoder API. Use, FTP to send request and response.

My input and output url like

define('INPUT_URL', "ftp://username:password@");
define('OUTPUT_URL', "ftp://username:password@");    
$inputUrl = INPUT_URL.$fileInfo['file_name'] . '.' . $fileInfo['file_type'];
$outputUrl = OUTPUT_URL.$new_file; written according to the example. My code is using my IP address.

Any idea why it can't work live? Thank!


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