CBPeripheral name not updating

I have a bluetooth device that can update its advertised name. Then I use this code to read the new name in my application:

NSString *localName = [advertisementData objectForKey:CBAdvertisementDataLocalNameKey];


When I do this, the variable localName

then contains the updated name. However, when calling this function:

- (void)centralManager:(CBCentralManager *)central didDiscoverPeripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral advertisementData:(NSDictionary *)advertisementData RSSI:(NSNumber *)RSSI



retains the old name. I tried several things to get it to grab the new name (for example, I tried to reset the bluetooth device, reset iPad, uninstall / reinstall my app), but none of those things worked. After leaving it alone for a couple of hours, I went back and peripheral.name

finally updated to reflect the value in localName


I thought there might have been a way for a Bluetooth device to advertise one name and then advertise as another, but I found a scenario that convinced me that the problem was with the iOS app. The Bluetooth device was advertised as "Name A". I found a device with my iPod and my iPad. Both devices saw "Name A". I have updated the device name to "Name B". I discovered the device with my iPod and it still reported the device as "Name A". After a while, it finally updated to Title B. I changed the device name to "Name C". The iPod reports "Name B" and the iPad still reports "Name A".

Has anyone seen this issue? Is there a way to update the value CBPeripheral.name


(EDIT: I just noticed that the iPad started reporting "Name C" after I first connected to the device. Is there a way to update the name before connecting it?)


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