Npm karma installation hangs on node-gyp rebuild

I am running this on a Windows 7 x64 machine:

npm install -g karma
npm WARN optional dep failed, continuing fsevents@0.3.0
> ws@0.4.32 install C:\Users\developer\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\karma\node_modules\\node_modules\\node_modules\ws
> (node-gyp rebuild 2> builderror.log) || (exit 0)


After the last line, it just hangs!

I've tried everything I could think of - remove / reinstall node (0.10.32)
- remove node_packages folder from custom apps

- check builderror.log file (it's empty)
- install nodex32 and x64, same problem
- wait :)

Interestingly, even though it hung up the node.exe process, it sucks up one cpu. I'm not sure if he is actually doing anything or if he was hanged.

Any ideas?

le: seems to be a problem with node-gyp, how work, for example

node-gyp configure or 
node-gyp rebuild


also hangs with

gyp info using node@0.10.32 | win32 | ia32



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1 answer

It might just be related to this problem in WebdriverJS, which also affects Protractor and unfortunately has not been resolved yet. Apparently the workaround is to install whatever is described in this blog post by someone .



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