Google Play loading error due to google play service version

    Upload failed
    You uploaded an APK that uses Google Play services version 6111000. You need touse version 5100000 or lower.
You uploaded an APK that uses Google Play services version 6111000. This will only work with Android API levels of 9 and above. It is discouraged to use this Google Play services version unless you have set the minSdkVersion in your manifest to 9 or higher.


How to fix this error other than increasing minSdk to 9? I am using eclipse to build apk.


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3 answers

Just download the old version here and then import it into your project.

Remember to remove the link from the old version from your project.

Google Play will now accept your application.



You are using the latest one Play Service version (6.1)

, which will start rolling out today.
New Play Service (4.0+)

is only supported onAndroid 2.3+

You have two options:
1- Use Play Service For Froyo

. (not recommended at all)
2- Update minSdkVersion

in manifest to9

PS: also i recommended using Play Service 5.X

instead 6.1

. it starts rolling out today and takes about two weeks on all user devices.



There are two approaches to this problem, first you need to change the target sdk file, but of course you mentioned that you are not using. Another one in my opinion is to update your sdk and from google-> google playervices-> get google play and update it in your project. I hope this works.



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