Problems using using local :: lib module

I am trying to install all modules in my own location using local::lib

. But the problem is that all new cpan installations go to $ HOME lib instead of the downloaded folder

These are my settings

  • cat.bashrc

    [ $SHLVL -eq 1 ] && eval "$(perl -I$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib=/usr/local/etc/zbxAdm/2.2/perl5)"

  • Used this command when installing Local lib

    perl Makefile.PL --bootstrap=/usr/local/etc/zbxAdm/2.2/perl5

  • sourced.bashrc file

  • When I try to install new modules using the below CPAN command, the new installs are going to $ HOME / perl5 / lib / perl5 instead of the bootstrap folder

Do I need to change my cpan settings? I have a .cpan folder under my local user $ home


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1 answer

Make sure your $ PERL5LIB is installed.

You should also try using "cpanm -l / usr / local / etc / zbxAdm / 2.2 / perl5".



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