Parse vcard json c #

I want to parse vcard RFC 7095 using Json.NET:

       ["version", {}, "text", "4.0"],
       ["fn", {}, "text", "John Doe"],
       ["gender", {}, "text", "M"],
       ["categories", {}, "text", "computers", "cameras"],


I am trying to do it using FormatTypeFormater, but I cannot check the json.


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1 answer

You can parse it with JavaScriptSerializer

do object[]

and then work on it to create a more complex type:

 var js = new JavaScriptSerializer();
 var o = (object[])js.Deserialize(@"[""vcard"",
     [""version"", {}, ""text"", ""4.0""],
     [""fn"", {}, ""text"", ""John Doe""],
     [""gender"", {}, ""text"", ""M""],
     [""categories"", {}, ""text"", ""computers"", ""cameras""]
 ]", typeof(object[]));

if (o.length > 1 && (o[0] as string) == "vcard")
    var props = o[1] as object[];

    foreach (object[] values in props)
        switch (values[0] as string)
            case "version":
            case "fn":


You should implement more validation, but this is a good start.



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