TFS Build hangs when clicking on remote reputation

I wrote a powershell script that I execute before testrunner in (tfs build 2013). The line hangs when the script calls git pushing to the remote repository using ssh. If I run the same script from powershell in a build agent using the same user, it works completely fine. If it's run through the build controller, it just hangs.

I have a test system on my local network where it also works fine. The staging server is hosted outside of this environment. But as I said, it works when I execute the script as the same user directly from the powerselll build agent.

this is what i do


$gitArgs = @(
'remote -v add {0} ssh://{1}@{2}{3}' -f $DeploymentEnvironment, $DeploymentUser, $ServerHost, $ServerRepoPath; , 
'push -v --progress {0} master ' -f $DeploymentEnvironment; )

Write-Verbose "Executing git commands"

$gitArgs | ForEach {
    Write-Host $_
    $proc = Start-Process -FilePath $GitExe -ArgumentList $_ -Wait -NoNewWindow;

    if($proc.ExitCode -ne 0){
        Write-Error "Git is having errors..."
        exit $proc.ExitCode


This is the build log output I receive:

remote -v add stage ssh: // user @ MYSERVERIP /path/to/my/repo.git

push -v - master creation wizard

Pushing to ssh: // user @ MYSERVERIP /path/to/my/repo.git


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2 answers

After hours of research, I finally found a solution.

There are actually two .ssh directories on the build agent. If you are using powershell directly using one from the user directory. During build it uses the .ssh directory from C: \ Program Files \ Git.ssh \

add hosts to your known_host file and copy them to both directories (!).



I had a similar problem when I was switching from http to ssh.

To execute this command, I ran the following command:

remote set-url origin $sshRemoteUrl


I even checked that everything was correct:

git remote get-url origin


Only after testing in powershell on the build server, looking up SSH records and what not, I found that the set-url command only changes the fetch link, not the push link. This requires --push


remote set-url origin $sshRemoteUrl --push




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