Undo git merge master into function

I have two branches: Master and Function.

I made some changes to the Master and wanted to copy them into Feature. So I merged Master into Feature. Apparently it was wrong because now the previous changes to Feature appear in Master.

What I expected:
A - B - - - - E - G   [master]
     \         \
      C - D - - F - H [feature]

What it looks like now:
                      G   [master] 
A - B - C - D - E - F - H [feature]


Here's the fun part: I merged Master into Feature twice before noticing the problem, and I made additional commits for both branches. How do I undo the merge or make the Master not be affected by the Committ functions?


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1 answer

Given the tree you are referring to, you want to undo C, D, and F from master. To do this, on the command line, enter:

git checkout master
git revert C
git revert D
git revert F




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