Why does Python have both a module and a class named datetime?

I am constantly confused about whether I imported datetime

from datetime

, or just imported datetime

. If I see in some code what is in use datetime

, I cannot quickly tell if it is a datetime module or a datetime class. So annoying. What can I do?

Additionally, PEP 8 clearly states : "Class names should generally use the CapWords convention."

It would help if the classes in the module datetime

were called datetime

, Date

and Time


Since this question was suspended as "not clear what you are asking about" I decided to edit and write more. To be honest, I wasn't sure what I was asking - I just found that I stumbled across this issue repeatedly and wanted feedback. I think I got some very helpful advice though, especially from tdelaney:

Personally, I do import datetime as dt

use dt.datetime

etc ... because I want to keep the original class names, minimizing the module name confusion.


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1 answer

It might be nice to have a more consistent naming convention. But the Python standard library and what is classically thought of as "built-in" Python types are neither PEP-8 nor a strict consistency model. All standard types (e.g., int

, float

, str

, list

and dict

) are in lower case. Some extensions dict

are CapWorded, for example OrderedDict

. But his companion is defaultdict

not. There are several types of data that are named the same as their modules, such as array.array

and datetime.datetime

. The main Python 3 census moved some modules around, but didn't homogenize or reorganize the class names to some degree.

So ... just learn to live with him. This is a historical fact and is unlikely to change soon.



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