R regex find the last occurrence of a delimiter
I'm trying to get the endings of email addresses (i.e. .net, .com, .edu, etc.), but the part after @ can have multiple periods.
strings1 <- c(
list1 <- stri_split_fixed(strings1, "@", 2)
df1 <- data.frame(do.call(rbind,list1))
> list2 <- stri_split_fixed(df1$X2, '.(?!.*.)', 2);list2
[1] "aol.com"
[1] "hotmail.com"
[1] "xyz.rr.edu"
[1] "abc.xx.zz.net"
Any suggestions to get something like this:
X1 X2 X3
1 test aol.com com
2 test hotmail.com com
3 test xyz.rr.edu edu
4 test abc.xx.zz.net net
EDIT: Another try:
> list2 <- stri_split_fixed(df1$X2, '\.(?!.*\.)\w+', 2);list2
Error: '\.' is an unrecognized escape in character string starting "'\."
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Here are some approaches. The former seems particularly straightforward and the latter especially short.
1) sub This can be done with an application sub
in R to create each column:
data.frame(X1 = sub("@.*", "", strings1),
X2 = sub(".*@", "", strings1),
X3 = sub(".*[.]", "", strings1),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
X1 X2 X3
1 test aol.com com
2 test hotmail.com com
3 test xyz.rr.edu edu
4 test abc.xx.zz.net net
2) strapplyc Here's an alternative using the gsubfn package, which is especially short. This returns a matrix of characters. strappylyc
returns matches to parts of the pattern in parentheses. The first set of parentheses matches everything before @, the second set of parentheses matches everything after @, and the last set of parentheses matches everything after the last dot.
pat <- "(.*)@(.*[.](.*))"
t(strapplyc(strings1, pat, simplify = TRUE))
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] "test" "aol.com" "com"
[2,] "test" "hotmail.com" "com"
[3,] "test" "xyz.rr.edu" "edu"
[4,] "test" "abc.xx.zz.net" "net"
2a) read.pattern read.pattern
also in package gsubfn can do this using the same pat
one defined in (2):
pat <- "(.*)@(.*[.](.*))"
read.pattern(text = strings1, pat, as.is = TRUE)
giving a data.frame similar to (1) except for the column names V1
, V2
and V3
3) strsplit Overlapping selections make it difficult to work with strsplit
, but we can do it with two applications strsplit
. The first one strsplit
splits into @, and the second uses everything up to the last dot to split. This last one strsplit
always creates a blank line as the first separating line and we remove it with [, -1]
. This gives a matrix of symbols:
ss <- function(x, pat) do.call(rbind, strsplit(x, pat))
cbind( ss(strings1, "@"), ss(strings1, ".*[.]")[, -1] )
giving the same answer as (2).
4) strsplit / sub This is a combination of (1) and (3):
cbind(do.call(rbind, strsplit(strings1, "@")), sub(".*[.]", "", strings1))
giving the same answer as (2).
4a) This is another way to use strsplit
and sub
. Here we add @ followed by the TLD and then split into @.
do.call(rbind, strsplit(sub("(.*[.](.*))", "\\1@\\2", strings1), "@"))
giving the same answer as (2).
Update . Added additional solutions.
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A read.table
+ file_ext
approach (not a regex, but pretty easy):
dat <- read.table(text=strings1, sep="@")
dat$V3 <- tools::file_ext(strings1)
## V1 V2 V3
## 1 test aol.com com
## 2 test hotmail.com com
## 3 test xyz.rr.edu edu
## 4 test abc.xx.zz.net net
Here's a purely regular approach:
do.call(rbind, strsplit(strings1, "@|\\.(?=[^\\.]+$)", perl=TRUE))
## [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,] "test" "aol" "com"
## [2,] "test" "hotmail" "com"
## [3,] "test" "xyz.rr" "edu"
## [4,] "test" "abc.xx.zz" "net"
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