Apache Cross compilation error ./gen_test_char: Unable to execute binary

I have taken enough time to find a solution to this error. When trying to cross-compile Apache for hand (I'm sure this can happen for many other architectures), I get this error using in the server folder:

 ./gen_test_char: cannot execute binary file


This means that Apache is trying to compile this test_char.h generator for a real device, while I need to run it on my Ubuntu where I am cross-compiling. Ubuntu doesn't recognize the compiled gen_test_char as executable, so I need to compile it correctly for Ubuntu.


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2 answers

I searched and searched and found several attempts to fix it but none of them worked. Most of them were patches offered directly from the Apache dev team.

But I finally came across this list of Apache emails . It offers a straightforward solution that the fixes cannot provide.

Compile the gen_test_char application before trying to cross-compile Apache. So I did. And followed the suggestions and it worked like a charm.

instead, just compile gen_test_char.c 1st with something like: gcc -Wall -O2 -DCROSS_COMPILE gen_test_char.c -s -o gen_test_char then run it and put your output in your include folder (or where normaly put it);

and after that compilation run it to get the desired output with:

 ./gen_test_char > test_char.h




These are the specific steps that worked for me based on the Apache mailing list that CaptainBli linked in his answer. I am cross-compiling for ARM from an x86_64 machine.

First, set up and run make to cross-compile. After compilation fails due to a problem with the gen_test_char executable, go to the folder tools/

and recompile gen_test_char for your build system:

$ pwd
$ cd tools/
$ gcc -Wall -O2 -DCROSS_COMPILE gen_test_char.c -s -o gen_test_char


Now run make

as you did earlier and it will start where it left off, except that this time it will use the executable you gen_test_char

created to run on your build system. Don't start over make clean

- this will destroy the executable you just created and you will be back to where you started.



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