How to make description-function "Ch f" case insensitive by default

When looking for a function that I partially remember the name I use C-h fto call describe-function

, enter *part-of-function-name

and press TAB. But now I understand that this search is not case sensitive.

For example:

C-h f info


lists all functions starting with info

but does not include those starting with info

, whereas

C-h f info


lists all functions starting with info

, but excludes those starting with info


Another example:

C-h f *nfc


gives me *nfc [No match]

, whereas

C-h f *nfc


gives me ucs-normalize-HFS-NFC-region


How can I do the describe-function

case insensitive default using some configuration in the file init.el



source to share

3 answers

(setq completion-ignore-case t)

should do what you want globally, not just for C-h f




Add a binding completion-ignore-case

to t

in the interactive

command specification . This has the advantage that (a) it only affects describe-function

( C-h f

) and (b) you can easily toggle it on / off (as with any Emacs advice).

(defadvice describe-function (before ignore-case activate)
  "Make it case-insensitive."
   (let ((completion-ignore-case       t) ; <============= ADDED BINDING
         (fn                           (function-called-at-point))
         (enable-recursive-minibuffers t)
     (setq val  (completing-read
                 (if fn
                     (format "Describe function (default %s): " fn)
                   "Describe function: ")
                 obarray 'fboundp t nil nil (and fn  (symbol-name fn))))
     (list (if (equal val "") fn (intern val))))))




Here's a custom function that I'm using instead describe-function

. It uses ido completion.

(defvar functions-cache nil)
(defun refresh-functions-cache ()
  (setq functions-cache nil)
  (mapatoms (lambda (symbol)
              (when (fboundp symbol)
                (push (symbol-name symbol) functions-cache))))
  (setq functions-cache (sort functions-cache #'string<)))

(defun describe-function-ex (function)
  "Display the full documentation of FUNCTION (a symbol)."
   (let ((fn (function-called-at-point))
         (enable-recursive-minibuffers t)
     (unless functions-cache
     (setq val (ido-completing-read
                (if fn
                    (format "Describe function (default %s): " fn)
                  "Describe function: ")
                nil t nil nil
                (and fn (symbol-name fn))))
     (list (if (equal val "")
               fn (intern val)))))
  (if (null function)
      (message "You didn't specify a function")
    (help-setup-xref (list #'describe-function function)
                     (called-interactively-p 'interactive))
      (with-help-window (help-buffer)
        (prin1 function)
        (princ " is ")
        (describe-function-1 function)
        (with-current-buffer standard-output
          ;; Return the text we displayed.




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