128 bit Int in SQL Server 2012?

I'm looking for a better way to implement 128 bit unsigned integers in SQL Server. The basic requirement is that it must support bitwise operations on all 128 bits. (Is this theoretically possible on a 64-bit machine? I digress.)

I read about some implementations using C # and custom types via CLR assembly, but I couldn't determine if it supports bitwise operations.

Has anyone successfully done what I need to do? Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank!!


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1 answer

Database side, I would use a column binary[16]


Then, in your clr code, you can overload the bitwise operators on your custom type:

public struct My128BitValue
    private readonly long _l1;
    private readonly long _l2;

    public My128BitValue(long l1, long l2)
        _l1 = l1;
        _l2 = l2;

    public static My128BitValue operator &(My128BitValue left, My128BitValue right)
        return new My128BitValue(left._l1 & right._l1, left._l2 & right._l2);

    public static My128BitValue operator |(My128BitValue left, My128BitValue right)
        return new My128BitValue(left._l1 | right._l1, left._l2 | right._l2);

    public static My128BitValue operator ^(My128BitValue left, My128BitValue right)
        return new My128BitValue(left._l1 ^ right._l1, left._l2 ^ right._l2);


Basic CLR example, you need to execute methods FromByteArray

and ToByteArray


using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;

public partial class UserDefinedFunctions
    public static SqlBinary bitwiseAnd128Bit(SqlBinary lhs, SqlBinary rhs)
        My128BitValue v1 = My128BitValue.FromByteArray((byte[])lhs); //explicit conversion
        My128BitValue v2 = My128BitValue.FromByteArray((byte[])rhs);
        My128BitValue result = v1 & v2;
        return result.ToByteArray(); //implicit conversion


From SQL, you can run bitwiseAnd128Bit

on two columns.

More on CLR here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/w2kae45k(v=vs.90).aspx



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