My thread keeps throwing read / write exceptions

I am analyzing a PowerPoint presentation using the Open Office SDK 2.0. At some point in the program, I am passing a stream to a method that will return an MD5 image. However, there seems to be a threading issue before it gets to my MD5 method.

Here's my code:

// Get image information here.
var blipRelId = blip.Embed;
var imagePart = (ImagePart)slidePart.GetPartById(blipRelId);
var imageFileName = imagePart.Uri.OriginalString;
var imageStream = imagePart.GetStream();
var imageMd5 = Hasher.CalculateStreamHash(imageStream);


In debug, before I put it in Hasher.CalculateStreamHash

, I check the properties of the imageStream. Immediately, I see that ReadTimeout and WriteTimeout have the same errors:

imageStream.ReadTimeout' threw an exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException
imageStream.WriteTimeout' threw an exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException


Here is a picture of the properties I see while debugging, in case it helps: enter image description here

This code is working on a PowerPoint presentation. I am wondering if the fact that it is zipped (the PowerPoint presentation is basically just an encrypted file) is the reason why I see these timeout errors?

UPDATE: I tried to take a stream, get an image and convert it to a byte array and send it to the MD5 method as a memory stream, but I still get the same errors in the read / write timeout properties of the stream, Here the code is as it is now :

// Get image information here.
var blipRelId = blip.Embed;
var imagePart = (ImagePart)slidePart.GetPartById(blipRelId);
var imageFileName = imagePart.Uri.OriginalString;
var imageStream = imagePart.GetStream();

// Convert image to memory stream
var img = Image.FromStream(imageStream);
var imageMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(this.imageToByteArray(img));
var imageMd5 = Hasher.CalculateStreamHash(imageMemoryStream);


For clarity, here's the signature for the CalculateStreamHash method:

public static string CalculateStreamHash([NotNull] Stream stream)



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1 answer

Damn it! I was able to overcome this problem by using a BufferedStream and adding an overloaded method to my MD5 method that took a BufferedStream as a parameter:

// Get image information here.
var blipRelId = blip.Embed;
var imagePart = (ImagePart)slidePart.GetPartById(blipRelId);
var imageFileName = imagePart.Uri.OriginalString;

// Convert image to buffered stream
var imageBufferedStream = new BufferedStream(imagePart.GetStream());
var imageMd5 = Hasher.CalculateStreamHash(imageBufferedStream);


... and:

public static string CalculateStreamHash([NotNull] BufferedStream bufferedStream)




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