Why is the NLP and machine learning community interested in deep learning?

Why is there a lot of interest in the NLP and ML for deep learning community? Why do they need approaches to study complex nonlinear relationships?


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3 answers

I think the most interesting things about deep learning are the possibilities of an unsupervised way to learn high-level functions.



Deep-level neural networks have recently shown very powerful improvements in computer vision and NLP problems over some of the other machine learning methods that have been around for longer.

At least in acoustic modeling for speech recognition, deep learning helps us get better features over MFCC .



Take a close look at deep learning and why it's important and interesting, check out my article here http://simonwinder.com/2015/01/what-is-deep-learning/ I have worked on this stuff since the 90s and its quirky to see it take off so suddenly.



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