Use "FindResource" from other application classes

I need to use the FindResource ("key") method. In my MainWindow class, it works.

I have to use it in another class, but I cannot reference it with a new instance of the MainWindow class because it gives me some problem (not relevant now).

So, I declared a static method in my MainWindow class, but this way I cannot use "this" in the static method, I wrote:

public static string getFromDict(string key){
    View.MainWindow v = new View.MainWindow();
    return v.getResource(key);

private string getResource(string key) {
    return this.FindResource(key).ToString();


This is still causing problems because, as you can see, I am also creating a new MainWindow instance.

So, from another class, how can I use the findResource method? (the resource I want to read is some dicts in the xml included in the project: I have already read them correctly in other code).


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1 answer

You don't need to call MainWindow FindResource if there is a resource dictionary.
You can call FindResource like this:

using System.Windows;





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