How to inject properties or environment variables into a Maven plugin test file?

I've created a Maven plugin using AbstractMojo and I'm trying to test it.

I am using maven-plugin-testing-harness for testing and I am having trouble entering values ​​for my plugin parameters.

I have the following pom.xml ( src/test/resources/pom.xml

) file for testing:

<project xmlns=""

    <name>Test VMStarter</name>




My Mojo looks like this (top):

public abstract class VMPlugin extends AbstractMojo {

     * Docker location
    @Parameter(required = true, property = "docker.path", defaultValue = "${env.DOCKER_LOCATION}")
    String dockerPath;

    public void setDockerPath(String dockerPath) {
        this.dockerPath = dockerPath;

     * Docker VM Site name
    @Parameter(required = true, property = "")
    String dockerSnapshotSite;

     * Version of Docker snapshot
     @Parameter (required = true, property="docker.snapshot.version")
    String dockerSnapshotVersion;


I am using @MojoRule method for testing and my setup method looks like this:

public void setUp() throws Exception {
    vmStarter = (VMStarter) rule.lookupMojo( "start-docker-vm", "src/test/resources/pom.xml" );


I use a setter for some of my test tables (the ones testing bad docker locations), but for my good testing of the path, I want to rely on an environment variable DOCKER_LOCATION

to populate. However, for some reason dockerPath

, it only displays as null

. It seems to be defaultValue


I tried to dump System.getEnv()

to STDERR and I see that it is DOCKER_LOCATION

indeed installed.

What am I missing here? Why is @Parameter

n't mine filling in correctly?


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1 answer

Where did you get the syntax defaultValue = "${env.DOCKER_LOCATION}"



is a property and "you can use Maven properties in the pom.xml file or on any resource that is handled by the filtering functionality of the Maven Resource plugins."


expression required.

Java Plugin Development Guide, Introduction mentions: "(more can be found in the document Parameter Expressions)". But I haven't found such a document yet. thanks @khmarbaise: org.apache.maven.plugin.PluginParameterExpressionEvaluator .


doesn't show ${env}

with my Maven 3.2.1.

Although my experience is that at least some, if not all of them are document-related, not updated, or contain the latest improvements.

Possible explanation from a logical point of the program: if a default value is to be set outside the scope of the program, it cannot be considered a default value. In the Maven sense, a convention over configuration .

EDIT: Added link to API Expressions documentation.



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