Find walking distance in R using latitude and longitude vectors

Hi, I have a series of houses and a number of train stations. I want to calculate the walking distance from each house (n = 1718) to each station (n = 11). I know Google limits you to 2000 obs per day, so I would do all home obs at 1 station. My data looks like this:

Home data:                      

        longitude   latitude            
    1   -76.27769   36.86308
    2   -76.29188   36.87556
    3   -76.26982   36.86628
    4   -76.27455   36.86894

    Station Data
        Longitude   Latitude
    1   -76.30377   36.85945
    2   -76.29490   36.85395
    3   -76.28896   36.85156
    4   -76.28989   36.84719
    5   -76.28579   36.84568


I found a code like this, but it sums the distance for each house, not the distance for each individual house. I am very new to R ... help!

  `distHoras <- function(origin, destination){

  origin <- gsub(",", "", origin)
  origin <- gsub(" ", "+", origin)
  origin <- paste("origins=", origin, sep = "")

  destination <- gsub(",", "", destination)
  destination <- gsub(" ", "+", destination)
  destination <- paste("destination=", paste(destination, 
                                               collapse = "|"), sep = "")

  mode4url <- paste("mode=", 'walking', sep = "")
  lang4url <- paste("language=", 'en-EN', sep = "")
  sensor4url <- paste("sensor=", tolower(as.character(FALSE)), 
                      sep = "")
  posturl <- paste(origin, destination, mode4url, sensor4url, 
                   sep = "&")
  url_string <- paste("", 
                      posturl, sep = "")
  url_string <- URLencode(url_string)
  connect <- url(url_string)
  tree <- fromJSON(paste(readLines(connect), collapse = ""))


I am getting output like this

distHoras('origin', 'destination')
 elements.distance.text elements.distance.value 
             "1,253 km"               "1252635" 
 elements.duration.text elements.duration.value 
       "9 days 8 hours"                "804659" 



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1 answer

Something like that??

google.dist <- function(from,to,mode="walking") {
  url    <- ""
  origin <- paste(with(from,paste(latitude,longitude,sep=",")),collapse="|")
  dest   <- paste(with(to,paste(latitude,longitude,sep=",")),collapse="|")
  response <- GET(url,query=list(origins=origin,destinations=dest,mode=mode))
  doc      <- content(response,type="text/xml")
  status   <- sapply(doc["//row/element/status"],xmlValue)
  if(any(status!="OK")) warning("Error Status on some routes")
  distance <- sapply(doc["//row/element/distance/value"],xmlValue)
#    to from distance
# 1   1    1     3275
# 2   2    1     2494
# 3   3    1     2163
# 4   4    1     2548
# 5   5    1     2212
# 6   1    2     2539
# 7   2    2     2950
# 8   3    2     3288
# 9   4    2     3815
# 10  5    2     4034
# ...


In this case, the Google Distance Matrix API is used with XML output. Returned data frame of data frames comprises a number of rows to

and from

the distance between them. The API is documented here . Please pay attention to the terms of use .



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