Precision of Matlab Matrix Operators

Let's say we have these 3 matrices:

A=[1 3; 2 2];    B=[4 5; 1 3];     C=[0 2; 2 1]


I usually try to avoid using inv () or ^ (- 1) and try using the forward and backslash statements instead. But if I want to calculate the following:



which way is best:






Even though both use slash operators and no "explicit inverse" is evaluated, the result is different and interestingly, A * (B \ C) computes the same as the one I am trying to avoid, / p>






shows. Can anyone please explain what is going on here and which way should I go? Thank!


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1 answer

MATLAB has a serious strategy mldivide

: see the Algorithm section of the documentation . I can imagine that it decides that 2x2 matrices with inverse transforms is the fastest way to solve it and hence it calls inv

and therefore explicitly computes the inverse B

. For large matrices this is not the case, and if I choose random isequal

4x4 matrices, doing -changes false.

In any case, the "best" approach is highly dependent on your matrices A

, B

and C


After some testing, I found it A*inv(B)*C

always takes longer than A*(B\C)

that, which means it can also be just machine precision (see Dang Khoa's helpful comment). However, there is no single "best" approach for mldivide

versus mrdivide




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