Dplyr package installation had non-zero exit status

Currently running ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64-bit.

Dplyr worked flawlessly a few days ago, but "disappeared" from my package list (RStudio Version 0.98.1049).

Tried reinstalling dplyr from CRAN and got this:

> install.packages("dplyr")
Installing package into ‘/home/stu/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.0
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
Warning in install.packages :
  dependency ‘lazyeval’ is not available
trying URL 'http://cran.rstudio.com/src/contrib/dplyr_0.3.0.1.tar.gz'
Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 643851 bytes (628 Kb)
opened URL
downloaded 628 Kb

ERROR: dependency ‘lazyeval’ is not available for package ‘dplyr’
* removing ‘/home/stu/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.0/dplyr’
Warning in install.packages :
  installation of package ‘dplyr’ had non-zero exit status

The downloaded source packages are in


I really like dplyr and am terribly losing access. Can anyone help me? Thank you. - Stu


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