Passing an array name to a function, then filling it in

I would like to call a function that takes data and then populates an array that I call in one of the function parameters. An example of what I'm looking for:

function readSaveFile(saveFileName, arrayName)
    if love.filesystem.exists(saveFileName) then
        arrayName = Tserial.unpack(


The problem is that instead of creating an array with a string named arrayName, it replaces the parameter with an array explicitly named "arrayName". Is there a way that I could fill in the specified array name?


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1 answer

You can always insert data into a given array (provided it is non-zero). For example:

function readSaveFile(saveFile, arrayName)
  if love.filestystem.exists(saveFileName) then
    for k, v in pairs( do
      arrayName[k] = v




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