Unused function warning

I have a method in a header file that I have added a keyword to static

. eg.

static int32_t Tlvlist_AddRawt(Tlvlist *a, uint8_t type, uint16_t size, const void *bytes);


The method is implemented in a .c file where the static keyword is missing from the function name.

This method is called from another function in the same .c file. A later function (using this static function) is also called from main.

But I get a warning: "Unused function" Tlvlist_AddRawt "in the header file. Why is this happening?

ps. I am using Xcode.


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2 answers

When you mark a function declaration as static, it does not appear outside the translation unit in which it appears. But it also represents a different function in every translation unit in which it appears. Generally, the idea static

in a header file is rarely used because then you declare a separate function in each C source that includes the header.

The compiler diagnostics tells you that there is at least one C file that contains your header but does not contain a definition Tlvlist_AddRawt()

to go with the declaration from the header.

If you want to declare a static function separately from its definition - for example, prototype it for other functions that appear earlier in the source file - then place the declaration at the top of the C source file in which its body appears instead of the header. Putting it in the title is counterproductive.



You never declare functions static

in a header file for use in other modules, because the purpose of creating a function static

"hides" it from users outside of your modules. C static functions are visible only within the translation unit * where they are defined. When a function is declared static, but no other functions from the same translation unit use it, you get an unused static state warning.

If you want to define a function in one file and use it from another file, you need to place its direct declaration in a header, include that header from both translation units, and link the translation results together. Removing the keyword static

from the title should fix this problem.

* Translation module - fancy .c file name.



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