How do I read my emails with clojure?

I want to parse messages from my IMAP mailbox using clojure.

I know there is a clojure-mail library, but I don't have a gmail account. Thank!


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1 answer

The Apache Commons IMAP Client Library is a smart choice. The kernel of their example program is trivially replicated downhole under 20 Clojure lines, if you don't worry about failover:

(ns mail-client.core
  (:import [ PrintCommandListener]
            [ IMAPClient]))

(defn get-mail [server username password]
  (doto (IMAPClient.)
    (.setDefaultTimeout 60000)
    (.addProtocolCommandListener (PrintCommandListener. System/out true))
    (.connect server)
    (.login username password)
    (.setSoTimeout 6000)
    (.select "inbox")
    (.examine "inbox")
    (.status "inbox" (into-array String ["MESSAGES"]))




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