Using Cell for Reference Sheet Name in Formula for Google Sheets

Is it possible to put the name of the first sheet in a cell and then use it in a formula to reference information for my second sheet?

I am using Google Spreadsheets and I have one worksheet that stores employee timetable data in columns for each day of the week. The second worksheet builds the payroll report and links directly to the columns on the first sheet:

='Sales Report - WB 10.06'!B3


My question is, is it possible to put the name of the first sheet in a cell ("Sales Report - WB 10.06") and then use it in the formula to refer to the second sheet?

My current problem is that I have to create a new graph and a new calculation sheet monthly for 10 different regions, and duplicating and changing formulas in 70 columns to reference the correct sheet will become very tedious.

It would be much easier to just update a cell in the spreadsheet so that the formulas point to the correct worksheet to reference the data.


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1 answer

Yes, using the INDIRECT function :

A1: Sales Report - WB 10.06

Then you can use:




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