MongoDb will pull using positional operator

I have the following structure for a document

 _id: 12342342
 items: [
      ownerId: 123,
      dates: ['2014-10-01', '2014-10-02']
      ownerId: 234,
      dates: ['2014-10-01', '2014-10-02']



I want to infer a specific value from dates where the ownerId of the parent is a specific value.

I have

   var myDate = '2014-10-01'
   db.collection('things').update({'items.dates': {$in: [myDate]}}, 
      {$pull: { 'items.$.dates': myDate } }, {multi: true});


But it will pull any ownerId, which I don't want. Can anyone help me get the query syntax correct?



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1 answer

How you want to pull for a specific ownerId , you need to specify the ownerId in the update request part . This is the link for you:

var myDate = '2014-10-01';
var ownerId = 123;

    'items' : {
        '$elemMatch' : {
            ownerId : ownerId,
            dates : {
                $in : [ myDate ]
}, {
    $pull : {
        'items.$.dates' : myDate
}, {
    multi : true


Actually, the $ operator is not needed here.

var myDate = '2014-10-01';
var ownerId = 123;

    'items' : {
        '$elemMatch' : {
            ownerId : ownerId,
            dates : myDate
}, {
    $pull : {
        'items.$.dates' : myDate
}, {
    multi : true




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